‘Being Creative’ March Theme : Garden

Watercolour and Acrylic Ink on Daler Rowney Rough Aquarelle 140 lb.

This is my submission for Julia Crosslands ‘Being Creative Project’. With the theme of garden for the month of March, I liked the idea that a poppy seed head was full of promise, just like the approaching spring!

Inspired by this beautiful photograph.


Julia Crossland’s ‘Being Creative’ Project

I’ve just signed up to Julia Crossland’s ‘Being Creative’ Project and I’m very excited. It’s always nice to be part of something like this, part of someone else’s world for a little while but also something new to focus on, where you can express yourself and perhaps get a little bit better at what you do.

I learned about this project via Belinda Norrington of Wild Acre Designs who kindly commented on one of my posts about my Hellebore I painted last month. She joined up, and I’m sure she’ll produce something beautiful, judging from the work she produces. Thank you for the introduction, Belinda!

The Being Creative Project is:

‘….a monthly challenge to encourage people to be creative!
It’s a tool for people who feel creatively stuck, for people who don’t think they can create, or have been told that they can’t.  It’s also for people who are actively creative who would enjoy taking part’

This month’s theme is Garden. I would go as far to say that’s right up my street, if you know what I mean. I started working on my first submission last night, a bunch of poppy seed heads. I’ll be sure to show you lovely people once its ready.

I’m excited already. Thanks Julia, for setting this project up!