M is for make.

Now Molly is made, I can move onto my next sewing project. Since receiving Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing, I have been quite excited about making something from it.

To begin with, I wanted to find some pretty fabric. It turns out I’m a little fussy over what I like, so I ended up going through a number of fabric websites, not finding anything suitable. But then, I stumbled upon M Is For Make. I found something perfect straightaway. Two days later, this little bundle arrived. As a customer (and a female), it makes a difference receiving something with a ribbon and a label on it. It’s a finishing touch, which someone didn’t have to go to the effort to do, but did. That’s why its so lovely. And thats why I wanted to show you the fabric and also mention Kate from M Is For Make.

I can’t tell you what I’m making yet, because its a gift for a friend. Once I have made it, I shall share the results here with you, if you like.

How do you do, Molly.

Father Christmas bought our little girl a Make Your Own Felt Dolly kit for Christmas, which proved to be a little too adventurous for a five year old with little hands. So I gave a bit of a hand, and completed her this week. It took me a while, as I’ve not made a dolly like this before. She’s a little shabby in places (due to my bad stitching) but our little girl seemed quite pleased to wake up to her on Wednesday morning, after I finished her on Tuesday night whilst she was dreaming of strawberries and butterflies 😉

‘Being Creative’ March Theme : Garden

Watercolour and Acrylic Ink on Daler Rowney Rough Aquarelle 140 lb.

This is my submission for Julia Crosslands ‘Being Creative Project’. With the theme of garden for the month of March, I liked the idea that a poppy seed head was full of promise, just like the approaching spring!

Inspired by this beautiful photograph.


Hannah Nunn & Her Papercut Lamps

Hannah is a designer/maker of lamps and shades and owner of Radiance, a lighting and craft boutique in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, U.K.

At the beginning of March, my lovely new blog-friend, Hannah Nunn, kindly featured my Frittilary on her blog. After Hannah came across my blog via Twitter, and commented on some of my posts, it was clear we both shared the same obsession. Flowers, flowers and flowers.

Hannah’s lamps are not something you would find just anywhere. Each one of them is an exquisite piece of artwork, cut intricately and perfectly from paper, inspired by the botanical world.

This Witch Hazel lamp below is my favourite. One day, I shall buy one…..one day….

You can read all about Hannah here. She’s definitely worth checking out.

Julia Crossland’s ‘Being Creative’ Project

I’ve just signed up to Julia Crossland’s ‘Being Creative’ Project and I’m very excited. It’s always nice to be part of something like this, part of someone else’s world for a little while but also something new to focus on, where you can express yourself and perhaps get a little bit better at what you do.

I learned about this project via Belinda Norrington of Wild Acre Designs who kindly commented on one of my posts about my Hellebore I painted last month. She joined up, and I’m sure she’ll produce something beautiful, judging from the work she produces. Thank you for the introduction, Belinda!

The Being Creative Project is:

‘….a monthly challenge to encourage people to be creative!
It’s a tool for people who feel creatively stuck, for people who don’t think they can create, or have been told that they can’t.  It’s also for people who are actively creative who would enjoy taking part’

This month’s theme is Garden. I would go as far to say that’s right up my street, if you know what I mean. I started working on my first submission last night, a bunch of poppy seed heads. I’ll be sure to show you lovely people once its ready.

I’m excited already. Thanks Julia, for setting this project up!

More stamp carving, inspired by Spring.

Some  bright and cheerful spring time hand carved rubber stamps. I carved these from small pencil erasers.

I’ve made these stamps a little neater since I took this photo, as the edges were a bit rough.

Spring has almost sprung.

My favourite time of year is Spring. Its full of the promise of longer days, long, warm evenings and an almost permanent smile on my face. Its also that time of year when those little multi-coloured buds burst open from their pods….of course I mean blooming flowers!

Some pages from my Moleskine sketchbook I’ve been working on the last few days.

I think my favourite is the Lotus flower, the last drawing.

(P.S We just booked our holiday for the Easter break. We’re going to Polruan near Fowey in Cornwall again. We’re very excited!)

Botanical Inspiration

Achillea Terracotta

Bleeding Heart

Aquilegia Vulgaris

Gossypillium Hirsutum

Salix Fragilis

Sanguisorba Officinalis Tanna

Willow Herb Seed Head

Thalictrum Delavayi

Cotinus Coggygria

In a spare half hour earlier this week, I decided I would spend those golden minutes at the library. I originally intended on sketching for that time, but instead I picked up a hefty wodge of books and got a bit lost in them. Actually, I think my little trip turned out quite well, as its provided me with a new wave of inspiration.

Trying out some watercolour lettering…

I made this card for my oldest, loveliest friend who had a baby this week, named Lily Barbara.

Welcome to our world, Lily!

Illustration Friday :: Swarm

Swarm [swawrm] – noun

1. A body of honeybees that emigrate from a hive and fly off together, accompanied by a queen, to start a new colony.

2. A body of bees settled together, as in a hive.

3. A great number of things or persons, especially in motion.

It’s not quite a swarm, but I’m sure you get the idea.

I came across the painted background which I did last year, for a painting I wanted to do of a tree silhouette against the sunset. It was a particular tree I drove past most days. I actually didn’t get round to completing it, but since I re-found the watercolour background, I thought a little ink would look nice over it.

Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Betsy, winner of the Hellebore hand-carved stamp!

Our winner was picked using True Random Number Generator via Random.org – Betsy was the eighth entrant into the giveaway.

Thank you to everyone for playing along with me – your comments have provided me with some more direction, and I’m very grateful.